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> Breakouts > AES LineSPI (Smarter DLC BOB)


AES LineSPI (Smarter DLC BOB)

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The AES LineSpi SMART BOB is 7.5" x 4" x 1.5", that is 5-times larger than the vehicle's DLC.
It is a 'smart' DLC 16-pin breakout box with pass-through technology: view live scan tool data while monitoring any DLC line with your lab scope, multimeter or logic probe. The intelligent front panel design of the AES LineSpi mimics the layout of the vehicle's DLC with two rows of 8 pins and is enhanced with LEDs that identify OBD-II protocols making it easy to locate and reference datalines and identify the active protocol. The AES LineSpi SMART BOB also gives quick, safe and convenient access to chassis ground and power through the DLC connector.

LEDs on Grounds and Power, pins 4, 5, and 16
When you connect the LineSPI to an OBD2 vehicle, the LEDs for pins 4, 5, and 16 will lite up to let you know that grounds and power are good. If they don't lite up you immediately know there is a problem.
Pins 4 and 5 have green LEDs.
Pin 16 has a red LED.

LEDs on dedicated Comm lines, pins 2, 6, 7, and 10
These yellow LEDs lite up when there is activity on the lines. 
The LED on Pin #6 is illuminated for CAN activity which mirrors Pin #14. Activity on Pin #14 is a mirror reflecton of Pin #6.
The LED on Pin #7 is illuminated for ISO and KWP activity which mirrors Pin #15. Activity on Pin #15 is a mirror reflecton of Pin #7.

Switch to isolate Pin 16 from vehicle
Power up the scan tool with an external source without having to repair the circuit on the vehicle first. Flip the switch to isolate pin 16 of the LineSpi from the vehicle.

Pin 16 input protected with 1.2 amp polyfuse.

Displays voltage present at the DLC between pins 4 and 16. Monitor and confirm vehicle voltage level during testing or programming.

Compatibility and Connections
* Vehicles: The AES LineSpi SMART BOB is compatible with OBD-II vehicles.
* Scan Tools: use it with your OBD-II compatible tools.
* Measurement Tools: The AES LineSpi SMART BOB takes the 16-pin spades on the vehicle DLC and converts them to safety banana sockets. This allows you to connect all types of leads and probes that use 4mm banana plugs (including those with safety sheaths) into any of the 16-datalines. Any tool that uses a standard test lead or probe can then be connected to the the AES LineSpi SMART BOB, these include, lab scopes, meters, logic probes, test lights, etc...
* Measurement Types: in addition to scan data you can ohm out and check voltages at any pin with your scope, multimeter or logic probe.

* AES LineSpi SMART BOB unit with 4-ft extension cable
* Quick Start Guide

Full manual available online (online version)

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