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AES Wave! Information Management System

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More Info

Catch a Wave! Click here to download the 30-day demo! 

The AES Wave! Information Software is a screen capture software that can be used to organize your valuable diagnostic information and
* capture screens from automotive test equipment
* acquire images from page scanners and digital cameras
* save graphics and text files from file displayed on your PC.
EMAIL Easily send your data via email directly from the AES Wave!?
i-ATN Automatically formats and sizes graphics for upload to I-ATN. It's easy!
INTERVIEW Combine before & after screen captures into a single graphic
Fluke 97 and Fluke 98 Datapoints from the Fluke 98 channel 1 and 2
Vetronix MTS 5100/5200 AES Wave Interface for Vetronix MTS file transfer utility
PCXWave Helps to automate screen captures from DOS programs into the AES Wave!?
* Sreen Capture: Window capture utility for capturing window contents as an image for saving to the database, etc.

The AES Wave!* utilizes a database to store and organize your data. The database eliminates the need to worry about filenames and makes it easy to retrieve your data based on field entries. Each record includes several field entries and an area for your notes.


Compatible Equipment
Use the AES Wave!* to download screens directly from the the following equipment:
* ADL 7100 Sensor Scope
* Counselor 2
* Edge PAC unit
* ET-2020
* Fluke 190-series
* Fluke 97/97a
* Fluke 98 and 98 series 2
* Interro PDA
* KAL 575/565a/565
* LS-2000
* Mac Quick Scope
* MasterTech
* Matco Insight
* OTC Vision
* Snap-On/Edge PAC unit
* Snap-On Scanner (frame captures only)
* Snap-On Vantage PGM
* Tek 565/575
* Tek THS 710/720

Screen Capture Compatible Equipment
* Snap-on MODIS, SOLUS and VantagePro (via CF card)
* OTC Genisys (screen capture from REMOTE DISPLAY software)
* OTC Perception (screen capture from GTI software)

Keep using the the AES Wave!* to:
Save text and graphics from other software programs.
Save text and graphics from the Internet.
Save images from page scanners and digital cameras.

File Types
The AES Wave!* can open, save, and convert to many graphical file formats:
* Bitmap *.BMP
* Postscript *.EPS
* CompuServe (8-bit) *.GIF
* Macintosh Pict *.PCT
* Meta File *.WMF
* WinFax *.WFX
* Other Fax
* Anything the SCREEN PRINT button will copy to clipboard

System Requirements
The AES Wave! is a PC-compatible software program for any version of Windows but not Windows 7 or 8.
To use with Windows 7 or 8 you will need to download and install XP Mode from Microsoft.
Not compatible with Windows 10.
Your PC must have at least one USB port.
You must also have the USB cable or RS-232-to-USB to connect your scope to the PC.

Quick Tour
This tour consists of six steps:
Open the Wave!: Open the program
Catch the Wave!: Capture a screen or image
Save the Wave!: Save the screen/image into the database
Find the Wave!: Search the Database
Print the Wave!: Customize all printouts

Catch a Wave!




Saving info on your PC

In the Feb 2003 issue of Motor Magazine, Ludlow Black, discusses the importance of "expanding your idea of a diagnostic library to include electronic information. Read the full article.


Customize your Database: Field Labels on the EDIT SCREEN

Did you know you can customize the name of fields in your AES Wave! databases?

It is extremely easy to do and should be done to tailor the program to the way your shop operates. Open any one of your AES Wave! databases and go to the EDIT screen for any record. Hover your mouse over any field name and double click it. (Field names are the black text labels located just above the white boxes with the black arrow.) A small window will pop up. Type in the new name and click OK. The EDIT screen will now display your new custom field name. This customized field name will also appear on all printouts and database screens.



Adding a Hyperlink to a record in the AES Wave!

1. Select the record and choose DATABASE / EDIT


2. Go into the NOTES field and type in the pathname for the file you want to link to. See first image below.


3. Be sure to include the < and > symbols to enclose the link, for example: this is link to a AES' site this is link to a graphic on the C drive in the folder named 'aeswave' this is link to a PDF file on the F drive in the folder named 'aes'


4. Choose ACCEPT when you are done


5. To access the links from within the AES Wave select the record from the Browse window and select LINKS / OPEN LINKS LIST (CTL-F). See second image below.


Pulling files from the MODIS CF Card

After using MODISGrabber to fill up your CF card with screen captures (see Note #2) from the MODIS, SOLUS or Vantage Pro you can use the AES Wave Screen Saver Manager for the Snap-on MODIS to import them into your AES Wave!.

1. Insert the CF card into your PC


2. Start the AES Wave! on your PC.


3. Press or Select | ACQUIRE… | MODIS WAVE…


4. The AES Wave Screen Saver Manager for the Snap-on MODIS screen will appear.


5. Ensure File type filter: is set to Modis BMP (*.BMP)


6. Click on the ""Browse for Folder"" button to locate the CF card drive as you would any folder. If there are any BMP files in the selected drive they will appear in the Browse for Folder file list.


7. When the CF card is located select . (There is no need to select a file from the file list window.)


8. Al BMP files are now listed in the file selection list box. Use the mouse to click on a file to display. Doing so will expand the box for easier viewing of the list.


9. To select a file to send to the Wave either double click or highlight file and press . A "">"" will appear to the left


10. To de-select just repeat the above process Once you have selected all of your files select


11. Each screen will appear in the AES Wave!


12. Next, select to save your screens! The next time you run AES Wave Screen Saver Manager for the Snap-on MODIS it will automatically check the last location of the CF card.



SOLUS screen captures

"A file capture utility is preinstalled on the SOLUS. To activate it, go to the Utilities menu and select ""S-button"" and choose the BMP option. Press the ""S-button"" whenever you want to save a screen to the CF card."





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