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Written for novice as well as experienced driveability technicians, Brandon Steckler’s Driveability from the Driver's Seat - Mastering Scan Tool Data Interpretation begins with an analysis of fuel injection strategy and fuel feedback control.
It provides real-world examples to demonstrate the use of generic scan tool data to make preliminary diagnostic direction decisions from the driver's seat. The ATS eScan ELITE is used to collect the scan data shown in the diagnostic examples, but any graphing scan tool could also be used effectively.
It’s Brandon belief that 85% of everything that occurs on the vehicles we face each day happens on all of them. Find out why!
The printed manual is 82-page, full-color, 8-1/2" x 11" coil bound manual, will be also be available as eBook.
Table of Contents
Emissions – The Catalyst for Change
The Carburetor
Electronic Fuel Injection, Stoichiometry & Lambda
The Catalytic Converter
The Combustion Process
The Building Blocks of a Successful Diagnostician
Proper Service Information
Proper Tooling/Limitations
Fundamental Knowledge
Mastering “The 85%”
Players In the Game
Electronic Fuel Injection Review
Weighing the Air
Driver’s Intent
Determining The Engine’s Speed of Rotation
Calculated Load Value (CALC_Load/ Engine Load)
Absolute Load Value (ABS_Load)
The Evolution to Proper Enrichment
Start‐Up Enrichment
Warm‐Up Enrichment
Density Enrichment
Volumetric Efficiency Enrichment
Acceleration Enrichment
Deceleration Enleanment
Fuel Trim: The Corrective Factor
Narrow‐Band HO2 Sensors
HO2 Sensors Drive The Fuel Trim
Total Fuel Trim (TFT)
Wide‐Band/Lean Air‐Fuel Ratio Sensors
Becoming One with the ECU
Driveability From the Driver’s Seat
The Diagnostic Approach
OBD2 Generic vs OE/Enhanced Data PIDs
PID Selection & View
Loop Speed & Refresh Rate
The Analytical Road Test
Hot Idle/Park/No‐Load
2500 RPM/No‐Load
Power‐Brake (Brake‐Torque)
WOT/5000 Rpm
The Experiment
The Funnel System
G Tests
P Tests
Baseline Analytical Road Test (Idle)
Baseline Analytical Road Test (WOT)
Unmetered Air Around Maf Sensor (Idle)
Unmetered Air Around Maf (WOT)
Unmetered Air Through Vacuum Leak (Idle)
Unmetered Air Through Vacuum Leak (WOT)
Breathability Fault, Restricted Air Filter (Idle)
Breathability Fault, Restricted Air Filter (WOT)
Poor Fuel Delivery, Restriction In Fuel Rail Supply Line (Idle)
Poor Fuel Delivery, Restriction In Fuel Rail Supply Line (WOT)
Breathability Fault, Restricted Exhaust System (Idle & WOT)
Single Bank Exhaust Restriction
Data From a Different Perspective
Baseline Analytical Road Test (Fuel Trim)
Baseline Analytical Road Test (Volumetric Efficiency
Unmetered Air Around MAF
Inaccurately Measured Air Mass (Vacuum Leak)
Poor Fuel Delivery (Restricted Fuel Pressure
It Ain’t Magic