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> Training > The Learning Pathway: Poster and DVD Set


The Learning Pathway: Poster and DVD Set

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Who has the potential to be your BEST diagnostic guru*
Your most inspirational Teacher*
Your most insightful Trainer?
The answer is YOU!

You may not realize it but YOU have the potential to be your own best teacher, trainer or guru.

How do you do it* YOU become an EXPERT LEARNER!

The Learning Pathway shows you how to become that expert learner.

The Learning Pathway is an overview of the keys to integrate purposeful learning into everyday activities. Use it for motivation, as a framework and a starting point for taking charge of your learning abilities and goals.

The Learning Pathway is ideal for working technicians who are interested in becoming their own best teacher. Use it to help map your way through a diagnostic dilemma and to help guide your learning.

The Learning Pathway is perfect for the educator/classroom to help keep students focused on their tasks and motivated toward their career.

The Pathway Set
The Learning Pathway package includes a CD with presentation assets so you can create & customize presentations for your students and other instructors.  You can choose to use the audio/video portions of the presentation as is or modify it to suit your style and needs.

Two posters are include in the package, perfect for hanging on a door. They list the 6 key dynamics on the road to becoming an expert learner. Each of the 6 keys are directly related to the dynamics of driving a vehicle with short explanations.

Details for The Learning Pathway: Poster and DVD Set (AES# 02-LC-Pathway):
Trainer/Author:  Jorge Menchu
Format:  Posters and CD
Language:  English
Length:  Pages
Content:  Text and Graphics
Equipment:  Screen shots from a lab scope
Contents:  2-Posters sized 18" x 22'' (one for your office, one for the shop)
 1-CD with customizable presentation and assets
      * PowerPoint presenation "The key steps of the Learning Pathway"
      * Poster images to create your own images and slides
      * Audio clips
      * Video clips
      * 8.5" x 11" Poster PDF
      * 8.5" x 11" Poster student worksheet handout PDF



Special Acknowledgement

Jorge's thanks go to Loren Maki of the Automotive Department at Morrisville State College for his insights and patience during the creation of The Learning Pathway.

Why the Learning Pathway?

Are you on the road to becoming your own best teacher, trainer, guru* If not, then jump onto the Learning Pathway.

The Learning Pathway is an overview of the keys to integrate purposeful learning into everyday activities. Use it for motivation, as a framework, a starting point and a direction for taking charge of your learning abilities and goals.

The Learning Pathway was designed primarily for the educator/classroom. Use it to develop a common and fundamental learning foundation for all of your students. Use it to establish a learning awareness within your classroom and in everyday activities.

The Learning pathway can also be useful for working technicians. It is ideal for technicians who are interested in the subject of learning and building a solid foundation for their journey to becoming their own best teacher.

Start building a learning culture today within your organization!


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