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Articles by Jorge Menchu

Scope Testing: Answering Probing QuestionsMotor Magazine, May 2015

The Mechanics of a WaveformMotor Magazine, August 2014

Sharpening Your Most Important Diagnostic ToolMotor Magazine, May 2013

Strategies & Techniques for Waveform AnalysisMotor Magazine, July 2012

Intellectual Property & Your ShopMotor Magazine, March 2011

Wiring Diagram Color Coding, Motor Magazine, Dec 2008

Think Differenty: Get Ahead by Putting it in ReverseMotor Magazine, Nov 2007

The Path to Diagnostic EnlightenmentMotor Magazine, May 2005

Selecting Cutting-edge Diagnostic ToolsMotor Magazine, May 2003

Choosing the Right Scan ToolMotor Magazine, July 2002

Vehicle Diagnostics and the PDAMotor Magazine, May 2002

Which Scope/Meter is Right for You?Motor Magazine, May 2001

Scoping out the Pattern, Import Service, March 1999

Hand-Held Tester StrategiesMotor Magazine, Jan 98

Clamping Down: Amp and Other ProbesImport Service, Oct 97
Jorge describes how to use a lab scope to obtain current and vacuum waveforms.

Mastering Complex Wiring DiagramsMotor Magazine, July 97
Jorge describes a technique, features of and importance of understanding and using wiring diagrams when diagnosing. 

Waveform of the Month: Lab Scope Probes Part 2
Import Service, May 97
More insight into the most overlooked accessories needed by technicians: Probes and Test Leads.

Waveform of the Month: Leading you on! Part 1
Import Service, March 97
What's the difference between a secondary pickup and a trigger pickup? What's the advantage of using an AC filter? What is a Low Pass Filter? Why are shielded leads so important? These are the types of questions Jorge answers in what may be the first article in any automotive publication that concerns itself mostly with test leads.

Waveform of the Month: Hall Sensors
Import Service, January 97
Jorge examines the internal workings of hall sensors, explains the actions that shape this type of waveform, considerations when connecting your lab scope as well as strategies for diagnosing hall sensors.

Waveform of the Month: Peak & Hold Waveforms
Import Service, Nov 96
This is the first Waveform of the Month for Import Service Magazine that Jorge has written. In this article, Jorge explains the details of how the peak & hold waveforms are created and shaped, the actions that take place in the circuit and the strategies that govern these actions.

Choosing a Lab ScopeMotor Magazine, June 96
Jorge casts a critical eye, a very critical eye, towards the most popular digital lab scopes as well as a couple of analog scopes. Includes the Fluke 98, OTC Vision, Matco Insight, ET-2020, Kal 575, MasterTech, LS-2000, Goldstar OS-3040, BK 2120.L

Learning to LearnMotor Magazine, Jan 96
Jorge describes a structure for dealing with 
a complex subject: automotive electronics.

Understanding Waveforms
Import Service, Oct 95
Jorge classifies waveforms according to the function (Support, Sensor, Logic, Action) they perform in the automotive system and describes their basic shapes.

Logic & Lab Scopes Solve Tough Problems
ERN, Feb 95